Beth A. Withrow

In the fall of 2014, God impressed upon me to start my own newspaper business…a Christian cattle paper. I had worked in the newspaper business for several years prior and somewhat knew about sales and production but not how to properly market a business and had never been involved in financials. The paper was doing well as I progressed into 2015 and by 2016, it was flourishing and I regret during that time not hiring Hill Productions and Media Group to grow this business even further. I relied on my own abilities, which was a mistake and by the fall of 2017, the business started to decline. That’s when I called Hill Productions and Media Group and though they tried to get things rolling for me, the decline was too sudden without the necessary time to build it up again.
Hill Productions and Media Group would have been very beneficial to me had I hired them during the high point of my business; they would have kept clients rolling in; the paper would have grown in page size, circulation and readership, and would have been so much more useful to subscribers with a larger variety of advertisers.
I am truly grateful for the time and effort that Hill Productions and Media Group put in to help my business; they were very gracious and the knowledge they have of marketing is astounding. I would recommend them to anyone, whether just starting out or in business for many years!