May 2017

Hill Productions & Media Group CEO, Justin Hill, accompanies client and Hollywood legend, Robby Benson, on whirlwind 25th anniversary tour for Disney’s “Beauty and the Beast”

Robby Benson, the acclaimed film star and television director, recently traveled to Chicago and New York City to promote the 25th anniversary of Disney’s “Beauty and the Beast” in which he voiced the character of the BEAST. Accompanying Benson on his promotional schedule in NYC was Justin Hill, CEO of Hill Productions & Media Group, as well as members of the Disney global PR team

Phonebook? Google Places? Facebook Page? Website? (Digital Marketing Tips)

Is a Facebook Page enough for my business? Is just a website enough? I get these questions every day from business owners running small shops to large corporations. Here is the quick answer… Yes, it’s enough for the result you are getting today. If you are happy with the results you are getting today and […]